In our first Art Fundamentals lesson we started off by looking at examples of art within video games, we looked at concept art for 'The Last Of Us' and 'Fallout 4'. We then looked at some of the basics of art like the difference between a H and B pencil, preproduction for games, and still life.
For our first activity we had to pick an objects infant of us to blind draw. Blind drawing is where u don't look at you paper whilst you draw; this helps you get use to actually looking at the object you are drawing as you might ofter forget to look up from the page. I found this quite difficult as I couldn't see where the pen was, however, I picked up the technique of not lifting the pen from paper. This made it easier as I could roughly work out where the pen was and what I was drawing.
We then went on to practice different ways of holding the pencil and what effects it has; overhand (holding your pencil between the thumb and index finger) helps with fine, percision work, best for finishing work. Holding your pencil underhand (holding it with you thumb and index finger) is best for rough, light drawings such as sketching.
Next we learnt about the sighting method (you hold your pencil at arms length from you, close one eye, and "measure" the height and width of objects, using your thumb to fit the measurement) which helps getting proportions correct when drawing. We then went to use this method to draw some of the objects from the arrangement infant of us. I chose to draw a small jug, dish and reflective ball which didn't include any shading for my first drawing, then for my second I moved to the other side of the arrangement in order to get another angel and I drew a camera which included a little crosshatch shading in areas.